I finally got my dream dog! I bought her in March, on the first day of spring. She is a blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS). She is adorable, feisty, sweet, loving, spoiled, smart, sneaky, cute, beautiful, sneaky...and did I mention spoiled? She is my little fur-baby and I love her so much!
12 weeks and 5 lbs
So, why have I always wanted this specific breed? When I was little I was obsessed with "Lady and the Tramp". I've always loved Lady and always said I will have that dog when I get big. Well, I'm big now and guess what....a little girl's dreams came true. Her name is Miss Lady Rose.
I purchased Lady Rose in Ringgold, Georgia when she was 12 weeks old. She was born on December 25th, 2014....yes, Christmas day. So she is almost a year old and in a way the time has flown, in other ways it has dragged by! I've never had a dog from brand-new puppyhood and it has proven to be a challenge. In the beginning, potty training was rough but she is getting the hang of it...FINALLY. The hardest thing for me to teach her is come when called and loose leash walking. Those are the two most important things and we just can't seem to get them down. She will only come when she feels like it and I get lucky is she doesn't pull on the leash. I have tried everything I know to and I just cant teach her how to do it the right way.
She knows SO MANY tricks, I just don't know why I can't teach her two simple, simple things. Here are the tricks she knows, so far.
Sit, Stay, Lay Down, Roll Over, Crawl, Speak (bark), Whisper (quiet bark), saying I Love You, High Five, Patty Cake, Pound It, Fetch, Balance a treat/bone on her nose, Dance (on her two back legs), Backflip, Prays, and many more things! Seriously!
1 year 11.6 lbs
Now, if she can learn all those things, why can't she learn to come when called and walk on a leash?!?!?
Annnnndddd.....on the 18th of this month I will be getting a male Tri-color CKCS. He is 10 weeks old right now and is absolutely adorable! I am buying him from breeder in Missouri and he will be shipped in (air) in a week and a half. Since Lady's name is very regal (Miss Lady Rose) I decided his name must be up to par as well. I introduce to you Sir Duke Kingsley. Welcome to the family little buddy!
On average these dogs go for between $900 - $2,500 depending on the breeder, their experience, the area, the bloodline and the current going rate. I won't tell you how much I bought my puppy for, as I have plans to breed her in the near future and am not sure the price I am going to put on my puppies.
There are 4 different colors (listed most popular first): Blenheim (Red and White), Tri (mainly black & white with a touch of tan), Black and Tan, & Ruby (red). I am so excited to not only get my new puppy, but to also start this new adventure of breeding.
Don't be afraid to research a little more about this beautiful and intelligent breed on your own. There is so much fun stuff to learn about them. I will do another post about their breed and the show dogs of their kind later. Check back soon!
"A dog is the only thing on earth that
Loves you
More than he loves himself."
- Josh Billings
Sending Puppy Love to the World!